Monday, March 14, 2011

Heritage To My Oregon Folks

I went to the women cave(aka Garage) to see what I could create without spending a dime. This is what I came up with.

I used a part of an old fence that DH has, thankfully not been able to recycle. Yeah for my Honey!

I had found a map of Oregon in my Garage sitting on a shelf waiting to be noticed.  I have a map fetish, reminds me of how we traveled from one place to another on my visits with my Oregon Folk. I was tickled when I found the town on the map where my Grandparents had lived.
Step 1) Cut Map to fit. Used lots of Mod Podged to attach to board and then painted over the map softly so I wouldn’t tear it (I made sure my Grandparents city could be located on map)

Step 2) Plant hooks where just in my junk drawer and had no screws attached to them so I glued them with the glue gun.

Step 3) Attached flower pinecone with glue gun, I was careful not to cover the piney hole in the wood.  I thought it added character. (The pine cone was something my daughter made at a craft table)

Step 4) Attached special pictures of my Oregon Family
To be honest it took me longer to find a place to hang it. but I finally found a cental mental use for it. I hung my Grandmothers appron on it along with a flyswatter that I don't believe has ever been used but I liked how it made me think of how my Oregon Folk would tease my kids they where going to get it with a fly swatter. (Gross thought hah?) Looks cute though, well at least I think it does. What do you think?
Many Blessings to you !


  1. Now that's the way to re-purpose & recycle! I found you thru DebbieDoos. I saw that you had lived in Oregon at one point, & since that's where we used to live before moving to AZ, I decided to become a follower. I hope you might follow me back. I'm glad you know about Debbie. She's awesome & provides a wonderful service to Newbies.
